The Last Night at the Foley – 19th December 2008
And so we were gathered beneath the be-cobwebbed roof for the last time, to savour the last of the Old and look forward afresh to the New. Outside all was quiet, inside the opposite. Maggie introduced the proceedings by announcing that Youngs Brewery had very kindly given a generous donation to help us in our move. Hooray, the spirit of Christmas is alive and well! There may not be room at the old inn anymore but now the star burns brightly in the not-too-distance. Seriously, this will be put to good use buying all the necessary bits we need – like staging, storage, decor, lighting and various bits and widgets – to set up in our new home.
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25th Anniversary Celebration
It’s hard to believe, especially for those there from the start, that the Ram Club has been running for 25 years. It seems like only five minutes ago when Brian and Jane Ravenhill decided to start a club of their own, having been to lots of folk clubs over the years and thinking ‘we could do better’. And so they did!